By-Law Enforcement
September 16, 2016
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Aquatic Invasive Species

Invasive Species

Invader species such as whirling disease, zebra mussels, eurasian water milfoil and purple loosestrife have been found in Saskatchewan or pose a real threat of becoming established here.

Help Protect Our Waters: Stop Aquatic Invasive Species

Aquatic invasive species (AIS) threaten aquatic habitats, fisheries and valuable recreational resources.  They can spread through water or by attaching to watercraft, related equipment and gear, and aquatic plants.

You can help stop the spread by remembering to practice: CLEAN, DRAIN, DRY

Before returning home from out of province, coming to visit or moving between waters within the province – please follow these important steps to help protect Saskatchewan waters.

  • CLEAN and inspect the watercraft, trailer, equipment and all gear that made contact with the water.
  • Remove all visible plants, animals and mud. Scrub/scrape grainy surfaces that feel like sandpaper, as this could be young mussels too small to see.
  • Wash, scrub or rinse using high pressure, hot tap water preferably 50oC (120 oF) – away from storm drains, ditches and waterways.
  • Inspect the watercraft, trailer and vehicle.
  • DRAIN all on-board water from the motor, livewell, bilge, and ballast tanks. Flush with hot tap water away from storm drains, ditches and waterways.  Then leave plugs out during transport and storage.
  • DRY your watercraft, equipment and all related gear completely, preferably for at least five days while leaving compartments open to dry.

And remember to DISPOSE of all unwanted bait in the trash.  Never release leftover leeches or crayfish, aquarium pets, plants or water into our lakes, rivers or wetlands.

Clean | Drain | Dry Factsheet

Watch our 30 second Clean – Drain – Dry Public Service Announcement

Report any sightings to the nearest Ministry of Environment office or call the TIP Line 1-800-667-7561.